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photos and drawings of the lovely Delta.
Here's some piccys of delta, most of them i have taken as screen grabs of the Tv but there may be afew that have kindly been donated.

the sacred signed CD

Neighbours 7th Jan 2003 (UK)

"Nina" Neighbours jan 7th 2003

"Nina" 7th January 2003 (uk)

"Ooh I love Romeo and Juliet"

Delta at a photo shot (

Delta live in Aus march 2003

"Nina" Neighbours 6th Jan 2003 (UK)

Delta on Rove feb 2003

Delta and the piano (

the delta profile

happy girl

"Nina" 8th Jan 2003 (UK)

"singing sensation" 8th jan 2003 (UK)

the gang 21/01/2003

"mmmm yes i think so...." 8th jan 2003 (UK)

shock 8th jan 2003 (UK)

at the BBC

"Nina" at the Scully's 8th jan 2003 (UK)

delta at totp 17/01/2003

"Nina","Michelle","Connor","Joe" and "Lynn".

Delta and Kelly Rowland at CD:UK

"nina" 21/01/2003

Nina perplexed 21/01/2003

nina at the scully's

nina and connor

nina @ coffee shop

nina pulling a funny face

nina at the pub

nina waiting

more photos on the "more photos page"